The beginning



The cold wind blew against her petite form, making her shudder. She wrapped the warm woven stall around her arms and rubbed her palms together to create some heat.

Her quivering lips parted a bit as she let out a sigh. A defeated one. Her once lively eyes were looking dull and puffy due to all those sleepless nights she has spent.

Life. Something she always admired and tried to live with her heart. But now, it has turned something she despises. A part of her doesn't want to live anymore. However, another part is not ready to die either.

The thought of her loved ones is the only thing which is keeping her sane. She can't let anyone harm them.

Everything was going perfectly and smoothly until he arrived.

Her eyes shut in fear and breathing ragged remembering the face which haunts her day and night.

The man claims her to be his but she denies to accept this.

She is not his. She can't be his not when she is afraid of him. Not when she feels unsafe around him. Not when the only thing he has done since they met is to scare her and hurt her.

How did her once happy life changed into this miserable one?

She was never meant to catch his eyes but she did, unfortunately and now there is no escape from him.

"DHRITI." she sighed hearing her father calling her from downstairs.

The girl went inside the washroom and splashed cold water on her face. She rubbed her eyes for few seconds and then wiped her face with a towel.

She smiled bitterly looking at her pathetic self in mirror.

"You haven't touched your food." Riva, her mother said eyeing her daughter worriedly.

"I..I am not hungry." Dhriti replied looking into her mother's amber eyes which matched her own.

"How will you treat your patients when you won't eat your meals?" Dhiraj, her father asked pouring a glass of juice for his daughter.

Their daughter was a physiotherapist who was interning with a reputed hospital.

Dhiraj and Riva, both in their mid fifties love their daughter more than their own lives. Afterall, she is their only child.

The girl has made them proud since she was a child. She was a mischievous child but never disrespected her parents.

They knew something was wrong with her and they desperately wanted to know.

But, they didn't want to push her either. When the time will come, she will tell them everything, right?

Dhriti managed to pass a small smile her father's way. She took the glass from his hand and took a sip of the sweet and sour orange juice.

Her appetite has died the day he destroyed her peaceful life. She wanted to puke just at the sight of food but to keep herself alive, she needed to fill that stomach.

She wanted to tell her parents every single thing but she was helpless.

What will she tell them? That the billionaire and the riches man of India has become obsessed to her? Than she has no other choice than to be his, forever?

No, they would die but let him have her and she didn't want that. She didn't want them to suffer.

She had to deal with this all alone..


In a dim lighted room, a man was sitting on the big couch like a king. The pitter patter of rain was providing him calm and peace because they were reminding him of her.

She also likes rain.

His black shirt was slightly drenched with top two buttons undone and sleeves rolled up till elbows. His hazel brown hair was messy as well as if he had been running his fingers through them.

He took a powerful puff of his cigar and the smoke brought much relief to his insides. There are only two things which can relieve his stress.

Cigars and that amber eyed girl.

His lips stretched into a small, almost invisible smile remembering her face. The face which has become the reason of his happiness, the reason of his existence.

He was never meant to see her. The girl was never meant to catch the devil's eyes but what can we say about fate!

The smile fell off his lips as his brown eyes darkened and jaw clenched remembering her denial.

Her denial stabs his heart. It makes him bleed from inside.

He doesn't like when she cries or begs in front of him. She is his queen and she just needs to order him but then only he can decide what orders he will follow.

He knows she will never come to him willingly and that's why he is doing all these things.

The vibration of his phone alerted him and in no time he touched the green sign and put it on the speaker.

"Mr. Singh." He frowned when she didn't call him by his name. He hates when she takes his surname.

"What did I tell you, Dhriti?" he could hear her wildhearts on the phone.

"Ab-bhi..." a sigh left his lips as he closed his eyes cherishing this moment.

His name never sounded this good before.

"Yes?" He asked softly.

The girl took a deep breath before opening her mouth. The words she spoke next made his eyes shut and jaw clench in utter rage.


I kept the first chapter short but the next one and the upcoming chapters will be longer.

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Vagisha Srivastava

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Vagisha Srivastava

An aspiring writer who is trying to bring changes through her stories. You will find me on Wattpad, Goodnovel and Scrollstack.